Where to E-mail Testimonies for John Paul II's Beatification

Monsignor Slawomir Oder Named Postulator of the Cause

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ROME, JUNE 22, 2005 (Zenit.org).- The Diocese of Rome announced the e-mail address to which testimonies can be sent for John Paul II’s cause of beatification.

The address is: Postulazione.GiovanniPaoloII@VicariatusUrbis.org.

In a statement, the diocese also gave the name of the postulator of the cause, Monsignor Slawomir Oder, of the Diocese of Torun, Poland, who will review the messages. He is currently judicial vicar of the court of appeal of the Diocese of Rome.

The announcement stated that within the next few days a Web page will be published in several languages, dedicated to the cause of beatification and canonization of the Polish-born Pope. He died April 2 at age 84.

«A section of the site will examine John Paul II’s life, writings and trips, while another will show the state and development of the cause of beatification, giving special importance to personal testimonies of graces received by the faithful worldwide,» the statement said.

«Visitors will also be able to offer their contribution through forums on the Web page divided in different sections, such as ‘My Meeting with John Paul II,’ ‘Graces Received’ [and] ‘Prayer Intentions,'» it said.

«Information will be provided on different prayer meetings that will be held worldwide to support the cause of beatification,» it said.

The process of beatification will begin officially June 28 in the Basilica of St. John Lateran.

Letters can be mailed to Monsignor Oder at:

Vicariato di Roma
Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 6/A
00184 Rome

More information is posted at the Italian-language site www.vicariatusurbis.org.

The Associated Press today quoted Monsignor Oder as saying that hundreds of letters and e-mails testifying to the late Pope’s saintliness — including reports of possible medical miracles attributed to him — have arrived in Rome in recent weeks supporting his beatification.

»The thing that surprises me is the great love that comes out in these letters — people who feel the moral need to pay a debt for what they have received from the pope,» the monsignor told the AP.

Benedict XVI announced May 13 that he had waived the traditional five-year waiting period and allowed the cause for John Paul II’s beatification to begin immediately.

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