The television movie, directed by Giulio Base, was shown in the synod hall. The film is a homage from Ettore Bernabei, a member of the administrative council of the Vatican Television Center and president of Lux Vide, which made the movie.
Italian public television will broadcast the film within a few weeks. Subsequently, it will be shown on television channels of other countries that buy the author’s copyright.
A note from the synod’s General Secretariat explained: «This viewing concurs, in the climate of the synod on the Eucharist, in illuminating the Church, which, born and nurtured by the Eucharist, is blessed with the ministry of Peter and the successors of the Apostles, as pastors and guarantors of the unity of the people of the new Covenant, sanctioned in the Body and Blood of the Lord, dead, risen and raised into the glory of the Father.»