The statements of the auxiliary bishop of Essen came a few days after the publication of a document by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith Photo: InfoVaticana

Germany: bishop responsible for queer ministry calls for changes in Church doctrine

Schepers aims to change the Church’s doctrine because «the Church’s teaching is still based on the premise that there are only men and only women.»

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 05.14.2024).- Last February, at the end of the General Assembly of the German episcopate, the bishops established the position of coordinator for queer pastoral care, that is, for matters related to the LGBT+ community. The responsibility was assigned to the auxiliary bishop of Essen, Ludger Schepers.

Three months later, this bishop has spoken about the «need» to change the Catholic doctrine on sexuality. He did so in an interview with the Rheinische Post.

Schepers aims to change the Church’s doctrine because «the Church’s teaching is still based on the premise that there are only men and only women.»

The statements of the auxiliary bishop of Essen came a few days after the publication of a document by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which described gender ideology as an assault on human dignity.

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Joachin Meisner Hertz

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