The Logic of Christ Is Charity, Says Pope

Recalls «Wondrous Work» of St. Benedict of Norcia

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VATICAN CITY, JULY 11, 2010 ( The parable of the Good Samaritan invites the faithful to make an attitude change with regard to following Christ, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope reflected today on the Good Samaritan before praying the midday Angelus together with those gathered in the courtyard of the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo.

«It belongs to us to be ‘neighbors’ to whomever has need of help,» the Pontiff said. «The Samaritan, in fact, takes charge of the situation of a stranger, whom the brigands left half dead on the side of the road; while a priest and a Levite passed him by, perhaps thinking that, because of a certain precept, they would be contaminated if they came in contact with his blood.

«The parable, thus, must make us change our attitude following the logic of Christ, which is the logic of charity: God is love, and worshiping him means serving our brothers with sincere and generous love.»

This Gospel passage offers the “standard,” which is the “universal love toward the needy whom we encounter ‘by chance’ (cf. Luke 10:31), whoever they may be” (“Deus Caritas Est,” No. 25). Alongside this universal rule, there is also a specifically ecclesial responsibility: within the ecclesial family no member should suffer through being in need” (“Deus caritas est,” No. 25). The Christian’s project, taken from Jesus’ teaching, is “a heart that sees” where love is needed and acts appropriately (“Deus caritas est,” No. 31).

Benedict XVI then offered a short reflection on St. Benedict of Norcia, who is the patron of his pontificate and «the father and legislator of western monasticism.» St. Benedict’s feast day is celebrated today.

«He, as St. Gregory the Great reports, ‘was a man who lived a holy life … blessed by grace and blessed in grace’ … ‘He wrote a rule for monks … the mirror of a teaching incarnated in his person: for the holy man could not otherwise teach, than himself lived,'» the Pope said.

He added, «Pope Paul VI proclaimed St. Benedict the Patron of Europe on Oct. 24, 1964, recognizing the wondrous work he did in the formation of European civilization.»

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