Interdependence and Individuality

Article: Not All Individualism Is Bad

While Pope Benedict may need to clarify his statements regarding individualism, so should Mr. Grossklas. Individualism, as its ending demonstrates, is an extreme position. It actually focused on the person’s individuality. The problem is that, while our uniqueness is important and is certainly a reflection of God’s Image and goodness, we were not made to be individuals and we are called to be members of the body of Christ. The individual parts are not as important as the head nor any other member of the body. But that is what individualism promotes.

We are not called to be independent but interdependent. We are not called to be islands but to work cooperatively to build up the body of Christ. Usually any extreme philosophy or concept is dangerous – and so is individualism as it focused too much on the self and others fade into the background.

Rev. John M. Zimmerman

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Diocese of Charleston, SC

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