Cardinal Says Pope Isn't "Undoing" Vatican II

Denies Media Rumors About Reversal Documents

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VATICAN CITY, AUG. 28, 2009 ( Benedict XVI’s closest collaborator is denying media rumors that the Pontiff is working to gradually «undo» the changes implemented after the Second Vatican Council.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Pope’s secretary of state, stated this in an interview with L’Osservatore Romano published Thursday.

He addressed the debate surrounding false rumors in the Italian media about supposed documents that would reverse changes in the Church since Vatican II, especially regarding the liturgy.

The cardinal asserted that in order to understand the Holy Father’s intentions and actions, it is necessary to consider his personal history, one that included involvement «as a genuine protagonist» in the Conciliar Church.

These other rumors about «presumed documents of reversal are pure inventions,» he stated.

The cardinal highlighted some applications of the Second Vatican Council that the Pope has «promoted constantly with intelligence and depth of thought.»
In particular, he noted the Pontiff’s collaboration in «the most comprehensive relationship» with the Orthodox and Eastern Churches and the dialogue with Judaism and Islam.

These have taken place with a «reciprocal attraction,» Cardinal Bertone noted, and have «inspired answers and deeper reflections as never before recorded, purifying memory» and building openness.
He also underlined Benedict XVI’s «direct and fraternal, as well as paternal, relationship with all the members of the episcopal college, in the ‘ad limina visits’ and in the other numerous occasions of contact.»
The prelate recalled the Pope’s engagement in the Synods of Bishops, through various interventions and reflections.
He added, «Nor should we forget the direct contact established with the heads of the dicasteries of the Roman Curia with whom he has reinstated periodic audience meetings.»

True change
As regards the «reform of the Church,» the cardinal affirmed «that it is above all a question of interiority and holiness.»
For this reason, he said, the Pontiff concentrates on recalling «the source of the Word of God, the evangelical law and the heart of the life of the Church: Jesus, the known, loved, adored and imitated Lord.»
This is the reason he is currently working on the second volume of his book «Jesus of Nazareth,» the prelate explained.
The cardinal noted that the Holy Father has in his pontificate made 70 appointments of superiors in the different dicasteries, not counting bishops and nuncios in the world.
As well, the prelate affirmed, he will soon announce «important appointments,» in which «the new Churches» will be represented. «Africa has already offered and will offer excellent candidates,» he said.
Cardinal Bertone warned against the error of attributing to the Pope all the problems the Church is experiencing in the world and all the statements of his representatives.
He reminded journalists, «Correct information calls for attributing to each one (‘unicuique suum’) his own responsibility for deeds and words, especially when the latter openly contradict the teachings and examples of the Pope.»

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