A Difficult Commencement

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A response to: Notre Dame’s Mistake

I am grateful for Bishop D’Arcy. We were determined to focus on celebrating our son’s graduation from Notre Dame. For the most part we did so. However, it was very painful for us during Jenkin’s and Obama’s speeches. Praying the rosary while sitting in the Joyce Center helped. But witnessing the cheering from so many […] was very disturbing. How could so many actually believe what was said, knowing the first thing Obama did was to sign into law the using of our tax dollars to fund abortions in Mexico?

It was also sad how many at Notre Dame are not upset that Obama is using them to promote socialism — by appealing to their Catholic compassion. Jesus never said helping others was to be carried out by governments using taxpayer dollars. I am disappointed the issue of socialism was not discussed along with abortion. Pray for Notre Dame and the USA.

Jean Quinn

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