Globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are posing serious challenges to the values of social justice, global common good and human dignity, as denounced by Pope Francis in both Evangelii Gaudium (2013) and Laudato Si’ (2015), say the organizers of the upcoming workshop, Changing Relations Among Market, State, And Civil Society.
The workshop will be held October 19-21, 2017, at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS), in Vatican City. It is jointly sponsored by PASS and the Latin American Organization of Catholic Universities (ODUCAL).
Taking its inspiration from the encyclical letter Caritas in Veritate (CV, 2009) by Pope Benedict XVI, particularly from its proposal for linking the logic of markets, State and civil society – which has the explicit approval of the current Pope – the workshop aims at advancing new forms of cooperation among these three entities. In a world in which we constantly question what determines our well-being, the fundamental intuition is that the economy cannot simply be concerned with minimizing the costs of production of commodities or maximizing the profits. Such reductionist stance does not allow us to solve the acute problems of the present day.
According to the organizers, “the workshop takes as its lighthouse the “how question”, i.e. how to implement feasible strategies to avoid exclusion and to stop the process of going on exclusions. Therefore, the focus will be on therapy, rather than on diagnostics. We believe that for an ethical, politically just and economically efficient market articulation, the State and civil society can contribute significantly to this.”
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Oct 19-21 Workshop to Address Causes of Poverty
Threats to Social Justice, Global Common Good and Human Dignity