WIKIMEDIA COMMONS - Miss. Monica.Elizabeth

Homosexual Couples: Catholic Churches in Asia and the Fiducia Supplicans declaration

Mumbai Cardinal Owald Gracias: «Blessing for all is part of our spirituality. The Vatican document affirms an attitude that should be obvious, it does not change the doctrine on marriage as those who misunderstand it claim’. Singapore Cardinal William Goh: «We show mercy but we do not approve of same-sex unions because without truth, love is compromised».

Fiducia Supplicans: Blessed Confusion?

We have become “used to” the fact that, for the umpteenth time, a document of the Church, especially from the point of view of the media, seems to fuel the confusion and polarization, whose necessity, frankly, wasn’t felt. If some greeted the document as an “anticipated Christmas gift,” for many others it is a painful moment of comprehension and discernment.

Analysis on Same-Sex Couples: Same Doctrine, New Attitude

This is the key question of the controversy. Is it possible that intimate or romantic love between two people of the same sex, which by its nature cannot tend to marriage, be considered genuine or good? There is here a profoundly complex question. But it’s clear that not everything in the life of a couple is determined by sexual relations, no matter how relevant they can be. Hence, that cannot be our only element of judgment.