LATEST NEWS Pope Sends Telegram for Terrorist Attack on Coptic Christians in Egypt May 29, 2017 11:15 ZENIT Staff
Meetings Pope's Telegram on Terrorist Attack in Iraq ‘He prays that in response to this act of senseless violence the Iraqi people will be strengthened in their resolve to reject the ways of hatred and conflict and to work together fearlessly for a future of mutual respect, solidarity and freedom.’ Mar 31, 2016 12:30 ZENIT Staff
Meetings Villagers Attack Church Compound in Ethiopia Local Bishop Expressed His Horror After Torching, Looting of Church Compound By Very People Being Helped by Priests, Women Religious Mar 02, 2016 11:44 John Newton
Persecuted Christians Church of the Multiplication Reopens in Tabgha Thousands of Christians Gather in Prayer at Historic Church Targeted in Arson Attack Jun 23, 2015 14:56 ZENIT Staff