CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, SEPT. 12, 2005 ( The Church needs the work of Catholic journalists and the Catholic press, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope made that point today when greeting a journalist whose work includes being ZENIT's correspondent in Mexico, Central America and the Hispanic areas of the United States.

The Holy Father met journalist Jaime Septién, who is also editor of El Observador, in the context of the Mexican bishops' five-yearly visit to the Holy See. Today was the turn of the bishops from dioceses linked with the Archdioceses of San Luis Potosi and Morelia. They met Benedict XVI at the papal summer residence south of Rome.

Accompanied by the latter, Septién commented on the presence of a Pope who is "affable, affectionate, human, concerned about the Catholic press and for all of us who have opted for fidelity to the Church as an essential part of our vocation."

"When referring to the task we carry out in El Observador and ZENIT, the Holy Father was very direct in telling me that the Church is in great need of our work and that he, personally, is grateful for the service we give through communication for the spread of the Gospel," said Septién.

One of the prelates, Archbishop Luis Morales Reyes, 69, of San Luis Potosi, said that he suggested to the Pope "a task: to write an encyclical on prayer; to which the Holy Father responded that he already had several requests" for such a document.

Finally, Septién recounted that at the end of the meeting the Pope encouraged him to continue working in journalism "and again thanked me for my work and that of those who work in the Catholic media."