LATEST NEWS Statement on Nuclear Weapons by Bishops of England and Wales Aug 05, 2020 00:27 ZENIT Staff
Angelus Pope Notes Nobel Peace Prize International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Dec 10, 2017 19:11 Staff Reporter
Vatican City Archbishop Auza: Treaty is Move Forward Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Nov 03, 2017 18:13 Staff Reporter
Justice and Peace Holy See Applauds Work of International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA Safeguards are an Indispensable Component of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime. Sep 19, 2017 22:04 Jim Fair
Meetings Japan: Yes to a Culture of Peace, No to the Nuclear, says Monsignor Gallagher For Integral Human Development Feb 03, 2017 12:28 Constance Roques
Spirituality Holy See's Statement to UN on Nuclear Weapon Proliferation «These weapons are per se inhumane and unethical» May 01, 2015 00:00 ZENIT Staff