Catholics and Protestants in Hong Kong joined in a prayer rally prior to a march calling for political reform.

On July 1st, the former British Colony marked the 18th anniversary of the transfer of sovereignty to the People’s Republic of China. Over 48,000 people took part in yesterday’s march.

According to Asia News, hundreds of Catholics and Protestants met for a an ecumenical gathering prior to the march. Christians prayed for “Hong Kong’s political development, for better living in a society characterised by wide wealth disparity, for the Church to have the courage to speak the truth, and for the rule-of-law in Hong Kong.”

Among those present at the rally was Cardinal Joseph Zen, Archbishop Emeritus of Hong Kong, Auxiliary Bishops Joseph Ha, and several other Catholic and Protestant members of the clergy.

"We gather here not only to win an electoral system, but because we love, we love our society, we love our nation and we love all our people,” Bishop Ha said to participants.

“Under the present political system, we see suffering, social injustice, the weak who have no way out of hardship. People’s livelihood and politics are closely related.” (J.A.E.)