Persecuted Christians Vatican 'Foreign Minister': Protection of Religious Freedom Increasingly Urgent and Necessary
Spirituality A Rarity in a Cuban Suburb: a New Church Will Be Built To Be Dedicated to St. John Paul II Nov 11, 2015 18:35 ZENIT Staff
Justice and Peace US Bishops Call for Prayer as Supreme Court Decides to Hear Little Sisters' Case «At stake is nothing less than their freedom to serve others» Nov 09, 2015 18:30 ZENIT Staff
Persecuted Christians Bishops Urge Congress to Renew Mandate for Freedom Commission Recall Pope Francis’ Calls to Defend Basic Human Right Sep 30, 2015 17:38 ZENIT Staff
Meetings Vatican Confirms Pope Met With Kim Davis Fr. Lombardi Affirms Meeting With Kentucky County Clerk Took Place in Washington Sep 30, 2015 14:41 Deborah Castellano Lubov
Apostolic Trips Pope to Americans: Defend Your Religious Liberty Says the Truths of the Declaration of Independence Must Be Constantly Reaffirmed Sep 26, 2015 23:25 Kathleen Naab