The encyclical coincides with the 350th anniversary of the first apparition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The encyclical coincides with the 350th anniversary of the first apparition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

New Encyclical of Pope Francis dedicated to the Sacred Heart to be published on October 24

Pope Francis has consistently emphasized the significance of the Sacred Heart, especially for priests, advocating for a pastoral focus on mercy and compassion.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 10.21.2024).- Pope Francis is set to release his fourth encyclical, “Dilexit nos” (He Has Loved Us), focused on the human and divine love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Scheduled for official release on October 24, the document comes at a time of global turmoil, marked by wars, economic inequalities, and technological advancements that risk distorting human essence. The Pope calls for a shift in perspective, urging people to «recover the heart» in a world that seems to have lost it.

The encyclical coincides with the 350th anniversary of the first apparition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1673. This anniversary highlights the longstanding devotion to the Sacred Heart, which was promoted globally despite early resistance and became widespread under Pope Pius IX in 1856. Historically, this devotion served as a response to Enlightenment-era rationalism and atheism.

Pope Francis has consistently emphasized the significance of the Sacred Heart, especially for priests, advocating for a pastoral focus on mercy and compassion. His new encyclical will build on past teachings, including the 1956 encyclical “Haurietis aquas” by Pope Pius XII, which sought to renew devotion to the Sacred Heart during a time of decline.

“Dilexit nos” will be presented by theologian Archbishop Bruno Forte and Sister Antonella Fraccaro of the Disciples of the Gospel. This encyclical follows “Lumen fidei” (2013), “Laudato si’” (2015), and “Fratelli tutti” (2020).

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Valentina di Giorgio

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