The Holy Father announced the topic Wednesday in a Vatican press statement, which specified that World Youth Day 2001 will take place on Palm Sunday, April 8. Elsewhere, bishops around the world will hold similar, local meetings in their own dioceses.
The next international World Youth Day, similar to the one in Rome last August, will be held July 23-28, 2002, in Toronto.
In Rome, the Palm Sunday Mass will be in St. Peter´s Square. A cross will be handed over by young Italians to young Canadians. Italian youth hosted the last World Youth Day, in Rome.
Cardinal Camillo Ruini, president of the Italian bishops´ conference, will accompany the Italian youth. Cardinal Aloysius Matthew Ambrozic, archbishop of Toronto, will accompany the Canadians.
In the near future, John Paul II will publish a message addressed to the youth of the world.