Globalization Calls for Evangelization Via Media, Pope Says

Daughters of St. Paul Elect Brazilian as New Superior

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VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 18, 2001 ( In the era of globalization, it is more necessary than ever to proclaim the love of God through the media, John Paul II told participants in the Daughters of St. Paul general chapter.

Today, the general chapter of this congregation elected a new superior, Sister Maria Antonieta Bruscato, the first non-Italian to hold the post.

The new superior was born in Estumoso, Brazil, in 1938. She will lead 2,680 religious in some 50 countries.

Last Thursday, when the Pope met with the participants of the general chapter, he said: «I thank you for the service you render the Church in a complex and vast missionary field, such as the realm of the instruments of social communication.»

The general chapter is being held in Ariccia near Rome from Aug. 20 to Sept. 24.

The congregation, which works extensively in the media, was founded a century ago by Italian Father Giacomo Alberione.

The Holy Father told the Daughters of St. Paul in his message: «In this era, characterized by global communication, it is necessary to make the message of salvation resound with vigor.»

«The presence of competent agents, who at the same time are credible and convincing witnesses of Christ, is more necessary than ever to fulfill this commitment,» he continued.

To be Christ´s apostles in the media, «it is necessary that you keep your gaze fixed on his face,» the Pope said. «May Christ be the center of your life and your mission. Strive for holiness! And when, as happened to the disciples, you are tired and without success, transform this seemingly frustrating experience into a precious occasion of prayer and spiritual maturation.»<br>
He continued: «May the problems, obstacles not be a reason for discouragement; on the contrary, may they impel you to open your heart to divine grace so that, strengthened by the word of Christ, you are able to disseminate the joy and novelty of the Gospel with your presence and your action.»

The Daughters of St. Paul manage publishing houses, bookstores, magazines, audiovisual production centers and, in recent years, multimedia projects and Internet services.

The general chapter sessions may be followed at

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