Don´t Ask Curia for the Impossible, Cardinal Sodano Pleads

Vatican Secretary of State Urges a «Synod of Unity»

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VATICAN CITY, OCT. 11, 2001 ( Members of the Roman Curia have their virtues and limitations like everyone else, and should not be asked to do the impossible, the Synod of Bishops was told today.

Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, made that observation as he appealed for the assembly to be «the synod of unity.»

Cardinal Sodano told participants: «Allow me to ask brothers who work in the dioceses not to demand impossible things from those of us who work in the Curia. We all have our limits.»

«Clashes serve no purpose,» he added, recalling in Latin the words of the Apostle: «Alter alterius onera portate!» («Bear one another´s burdens»).

«May this be the spirit of our common work, animated by the same flame of charity that Christ infused in our hearts,» Cardinal Sodano continued.

The secretary of state explained that the 25 bishops who head Curia organizations come from all the continents and wish to work in this spirit.

«At the beginning of the third Christian millennium, the episcopal college will appear before the world as the college of the apostles appeared in the Cenacle, and will bear strong witness of being truly ´cor unum et anima una.´»

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