Hong Kong Bishop Extols Rosary for Peace

HONG KONG, DEC. 12, 2002 (Zenit.org).- Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, the new leader of the Hong Kong Diocese, urged the faithful to rediscover the rosary as a source of peace for the soul and the world.

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The bishop highlighted this prayer in his first pastoral letter for Advent, Vatican Radio reported.

In keeping with John Paul II’s exhortation, contained in his apostolic letter «Rosarium Virginis Mariae,» Bishop Zen reminds the faithful to intensify their recitation of this Marian prayer during this Year of the Rosary, and to pray for the gift of world peace.

Recitation of the rosary also helps to calm the soul, so important in a fast-paced society like Hong Kong, Bishop Zen added.

He also stressed the importance of the rosary as a family prayer, reminding the faithful that last December’s diocesan synod listed the family as the pastoral priority.

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