All Saints' Day Reflection

Rosary a «Simple and Accessible Way» to Holiness, Says John Paul II

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VATICAN CITY, NOV. 2, 2003 ( Here is a translation of John Paul II’s address at midday on Saturday, the solemnity of All Saints, before praying the Angelus with pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

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Dear Brothers and Sisters!

1. We celebrate today the solemnity of All Saints. By inviting us to look upon the immense multitude of those who have already reached the blessed homeland, it shows us the way that leads to this goal.

The saints and blessed of Paradise remind us, pilgrims on earth, that prayer is above all the daily sustenance that does not let us lose sight of our eternal destiny. For many of them it was the rosary — the prayer to which the Year that ended yesterday was dedicated — that offered a privileged means for their daily conversation with the Lord. The rosary led them to an ever-more profound intimacy with Christ and with the Holy Virgin.

2. The rosary can really be a simple and accessible way for all to sanctity, which is the vocation of every baptized person, as today’s solemnity underlines.

In the apostolic letter «Novo Millennio Ineunte» I reminded all the faithful that holiness is the priority requirement of Christian life (see Nos. 30-31).

May Mary, Queen of all Saints, already immersed in divine glory, help us to proceed energetically in the demanding way of Christian perfection. May she help us understand and appreciate ever more the recitation of the rosary as an evangelical means of contemplation of the mystery of Christ and of faithful adherence to his will.

[Translation by ZENIT]

[After the recitation of the Angelus, the Pope greeted the pilgrims as follows:]

According to pious custom, during these days the faithful usually visit the tombs of their dear ones to pray for them.

I also go spiritually on pilgrimage to the cemeteries of the different parts of the world, where the remains rest of those who preceded us in the sign of faith.

In particular, I pray for those whom no one thinks about anymore, as well as for the many victims of violence. I commend all to the Divine Mercy.

[Translation by ZENIT]

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