VATICAN CITY, MARCH 8, 2004 ( John Paul II appointed new members of the International Theological Commission and renewed the mandate of others who have served for the past five-year period.

The Pope appointed Jesuit Father Luis Ladaria as secretary-general of the commission. Father Ladaria is docent of dogmatic theology at the Gregorian University in Rome. He is replacing Cardinal Georges Cottier, Papal Household theologian.

The International Theological Commission, established by Pope Paul VI in 1969, is under the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The commission helps the Holy See examine doctrinal questions of major importance.

The president of the commission is the prefect of the doctrinal congregation, currently Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

The commission comprises theologians of various schools and nations, eminent for their knowledge and fidelity to the magisterium. The members -- no more than 30 -- are appointed by the Pope for a five-year period. The prefect of the doctrinal congregation proposes the members after consulting with bishops' conferences.

The commission meets in full assembly at least once a year, but it can also carry out its activity through subcommissions. The results of the studies are presented to the Holy Father and handed for their opportune use to the doctrinal congregation.

The commission is now composed of the following members:

-- Archbishop Roland Minnerath of Dijon, France.

-- Father Peter Damian Akpunonu, Nigeria, docent of sacred Scripture at St. Mary of the Lake University in Mundelein, Illinois.

-- Dominican Father Serge Thomas Bonino, docent of Dominican Studies in the School of Philosophy at the Institut Catholique de Toulouse, France.

-- Father Geraldo Luis Borges Hackmann, docent of dogmatic theology and director of the Department of Theology at the Catholic University in Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

-- Sister Sara Butler, a Missionary Servant of the Most Blessed Trinity and docent of systematic theology at St. Mary of the Lake University, Mundelein, Illinois.

-- Salesian Father Antonio Castellano, docent of patrology and sacramental theology at the Catholic University in Chile, Santiago, and at the Salesian University in Rome.

-- Father Basil Cho Kyu-Man, docent of dogmatic theology at the Catholic University of Korea, in South Korea.

-- Father Adelbert Denaux, docent in the School of Dogmatic Theology in Leuven, Belgium.

-- Father Santiago Del Cura Elena, docent of dogmatic theology in the North of Spain Faculty of Theology, Burgos.

-- Dominican Father Gilles Emery, docent on dogmatic theology in the School of Theology at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

-- Monsignor Ricardo Antonio Ferrara, docent of dogmatic theology in the Faculty of Theology at St. Mary of Buenos Aires Pontifical Catholic University in Argentina.

-- Monsignor Bruno Forte, docent of dogmatic theology in the School of Theology of Southern Italy in Naples.

-- Father Pierre Gaudette, docent of theology at Laval University in Quebec, and secretary-general of the Assembly of Bishops in Quebec.

-- Barbara Hallensleben, docent of theology in the School of Theology at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

-- Salesian Father Savio Hon Tai-Fai, docent of dogmatic theology at Sacred Heart College, Hong Kong.

-- Father Tomislav Ivancic, docent of fundamental theology in the School of Theology in Zagreb, Croatia.

-- Father Istvan Ivancso, docent of Byzantine liturgy at St. Athanasius Higher Institute and rector of the Theological Institute in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary.

-- Redemptorist Father Tony Kelly, docent of theology in the School of Philosophy and Theology at the Australian Catholic University in Australia.

-- Jesuit Father Luis Ladaria, docent of dogmatic theology at the Gregorian University in Rome.

-- Father Jan W.M. Liesen, lecturer of exegesis and biblical theology at the Seminary of Rolduc, Netherlands.

-- Jesuit Father John Michael McDermott, docent of dogmatic theology at the Josephinum College in Columbus, Ohio.

-- Father Paul McPartlan, docent of dogmatic theology at the University of London.

-- Father Thomas Norris, docent of theology at St. Patrick's College in Maynooth, Ireland.

-- Johannes Reiter, docent of moral theology in the School of Theology in Mainz, Germany.

-- Father Paul Rouhana, docent of theology at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences in Beirut, Lebanon.

-- Monsignor Ignazio Sanna, docent of dogmatic theology and pro-rector of the Lateran University, Rome.

-- Father Leonard Santedi Kinkupu, docent of dogmatic theology in the School of Theology in Kinshasa and rector of the John Paul I University Seminary, Congo.

-- Thomas Soeding, docent of biblical theology at the Bergische Universitat Gesamthochschule in Wuppertal, Germany.

-- Father Jerzy Szymik, docent of dogmatic theology at the Catholic University in Lublin, Poland.

-- Salesian Father Dominic Veliath, docent of systematic theology at the Kristu Jyoti College in Bangalore, India.