Caritas Active in Rebuilding Iranian City of Bam

ROME, MAY 3, 2004 ( Caritas, the Catholic Church’s aid institution, is providing food and constructing a drainage system and homes for people affected by the December earthquake that destroyed the Iranian city of Bam.

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Caritas said a total of 4,425 people benefited last month from its Breakfast Baskets program, which provide daily food rations.

Caritas also is engaged in reconstructing the area’s irrigation system, destroyed by the quake. It is rebuilding four kilometers of piping in Nartije, a town near Bam, in addition to repairing the irrigation networks in Baghchamak and Pakam.

Local authorities have asked Caritas to work on a project to make water available to 38 schools as soon as possible.

Caritas has also been helping in the construction of houses. Now, 70 houses are being built as a first phase of a total project of 433 to be built in Bam. Another 37 houses are being rebuilt in Tamick, a project that started Sunday.

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