Pope Says Thank You to Gemelli Polyclinic

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 11, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Before leaving the Gemelli Polyclinic on Thursday, John Paul II handed the administration a letter of gratitude for the care he received during his nine days of hospitalization.

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«I have experienced and admired once again the careful solicitude and high professionalism of the doctors, nurses, and all the health personnel,» wrote the Holy Father.

The Pope’s letter was addressed to Lorenzo Ornaghi, rector of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, on which the Gemelli depends, and mentioned by name each of the doctors who cared for him.

The Holy Father assured the hospital staff of his prayers «so that the Gemelli can continue faithfully the appreciated and laudable service which it offers to so many patients and their families, uniting always to medical and professional competence the evangelical spirit that from the start has characterized this important ecclesial institution.»

The Pope concluded assuring his prayers for the whole university community and those hospitalized in the Gemelli, «especially» for the «children, to whom I have felt particular close in these days.»

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