Head of Germany-based Charity Gets Audience

VATICAN CITY, JULY 1, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI met with the new secretary-general of Aid to the Church in Need, telling him to «tread new paths, yet always in fidelity to the charism of the founder.»

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Dr. Norbert Neuhaus was introduced to the Holy Father during a recent audience, in which the Holy Father stated that Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) «is a very important charity for the Church,» reported the Germany-based aid organization.

Commenting on the audience, Neuhaus said: «We must face the new challenges of our changing world. One of the biggest is widespread relativism.»

ACN’s international ecclesiastical assistant, Father Joaquín Alliende, added: «We are not afraid. We trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.»

The organization added that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI, was a benefactor of ACN.

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