Joseph Bilczewski, Tireless Archbishop of Leopoli

Prelate to Be Canonized This Sunday

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VATICAN CITY, OCT. 20, 2005 ( Here is the biography issued by the Holy See of Joseph Bilczewski (1860-1923), who will be canonized with four other blessed this Sunday by Benedict XVI.

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Blessed Archbishop Joseph Bilczewski was born April 26, 1860, in Wilamowice near Kety, in the present-day Diocese of Bielsko Zywiec, then part of the Diocese of Krakow. Having finished elementary school at Wilamowice and Kety, he attended high school at Wadowice receiving his diploma in 1880.

On July 6, 1884, he was ordained a priest in Krakow by Cardinal Albino Dunajewski. In 1886 he received a doctorate in theology from the University of Vienna. Following advanced studies in Rome and Paris he passed the qualifying exam at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow. The following year he became professor of dogmatic theology at the John Casimir University of Leopoli.

He also served as dean of theology for a period of time prior to becoming rector of the university.

He dedicated himself to scientific work and, despite his young age, acquired fame as a learned man. His extraordinary intellectual and relational abilities were recognized by Franz Joseph, the emperor of Austria, who presented Monsignor Bilczewski to the Holy Father as a candidate for the vacant metropolitan See of Leopoli. Pope Leo XIII responded positively to the emperor’s proposal and on Dec. 17, 1900, he named the 40-year-old monsignor archbishop of Leopoli of the Latin rite.

Given the complex social, economic, ethnic and religious situation, care for the large diocese required of the bishop a deep commitment and called for great moral effort and strong confidence in God. Archbishop Bilczewski became known for his goodness of heart, understanding, humility, piety, commitment to hard work and pastoral zeal.

Upon taking possession of the Archdiocese of Leopoli he spelled out clearly his pastoral plan, which can be summed up in the words «totally sacrifice oneself for the holy Church.» Among other things he pointed out the need for the development of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and frequent reception of Communion.

A particular form of pastoral action of Archbishop Bilczewski were the pastoral letters and appeals addressed to the priests and the faithful of the archdiocese. In them he spoke of the problems of faith and morals of the time as well as of the most pressing issues of the social sphere. He also explained devotion to the Eucharist and to the Sacred Heart and the importance of religious and moral formation of children and youth in the family and in school.

He taught for the Church and for the Pope, and took care to cultivate many priestly vocations. He saw the priest as first and foremost a teacher of faith and an instrument of Christ, a father for the rich as well as for the poor. Taking the place of Christ on earth, the priest was to be the minister of the sacraments and for this reason his whole heart had to be dedicated to the celebration of the Eucharist, in order to be able to nourish the people of God with the body of Christ.

He often exhorted the priests to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In his pastoral letter devoted to the Eucharist he invited the priests to participate in the priestly associations: the Association for Perpetual Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament and the Association of Aid to Poor Catholic Churches, whose goal was to rejuvenate the zeal of the priests themselves.

He also dedicated a great deal of care to the preparation of children and to full participation in the Mass, desiring that every catechesis would lead children and youth to the Eucharist.

Archbishop Bilczewski promoted the construction of churches and chapels, schools and day-care centers. He developed teaching to help enable the growth in the instruction of the faithful. He materially and spiritually helped the more important works which were springing up in his archdiocese.

His holy life, filled with prayer, work and works of mercy led to his meriting great appreciation and respect on the part of those of various faiths, rites and nationalities present in the archdiocese. No religious or nationalistic conflicts arose during the tenure of his pastoral work. He was a proponent of unity, harmony and peace. On social issues he always stood on the side of the people and of the poor. He taught that the basis of social life had to be justice made perfect by Christian love.

During the First World War, he pointed out to the people the infinite love of God, capable of forgiving every type of sin and offense. He reminded them of the need to observe the commandments of God and particularly that of brotherly love.

During his 23 years of pastoral service he changed the face of the Archdiocese of Leopoli. Only his death on March 20, 1923, could end his vast pastoral action.

Wanting to rest among those for whom he was always father and protector, in accord with his desires, he was buried in Leopoli in the cemetery of Janow, known as the cemetery of the poor. Thanks to the efforts of the Archdiocese of Leopoli the process for his beatification and canonization was initiated. The first step was concluded on Dec. 17, 1997, with the declaration of the life of heroic virtue of Archbishop Bilczewski by Pope John Paul II.

In June 2001, the Congregation for Sainthood Causes recognized as miraculous the fact of the rapid lasting and unexplainable «quo ad modum» healing through the intercession of Archbishop Bilczewski of the third-degree burns of Marcin Gawlik, a 9-year-old boy, thus opening the way for his beatification.

The beatification took place in the Diocese of Leopoli on June 26, 2001, during John Paul II’s apostolic visit to Ukraine.

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