Standing Tall in Denver

A response to: Archbishop Chaput Says He’s No Kmiec

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Archbishop Charles Chaput’s stirring «Defense of Life as Top Church Priority» against the assertions of Catholic legal scholar, Douglas Kmiec, is one that deserves to go down in the annals of episcopal «Profiles in Courage.»

He brilliantly articulated what millions of American Catholics believe in the depths of their hearts. He is a model for his fellow bishops, encouraging them to have the courage to speak «truth to power.» As someone has so well put it: «Protecting the unborn child’s right to life is the human-rights struggle of the 21st century.»

The people of the Archdiocese of Denver are fortunate to have as their shepherd Archbishop Chaput who stands tall and straight in defense of unborn children, who are the most vulnerable and helpless of our brothers and sisters in the human family.

Gino Dalpiaz

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