No Reason for Fear, Says Benedict XVI

Reflects on Christ as Conqueror

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VATICAN CITY, JAN. 14, 2008 ( There is no reason to fear anyone or anything, if we stay united to Christ, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope affirmed this today during the general audience in which he continued his reflections on St. Paul. Today, he looked at the «twin» letters of Colossians and Ephesians, concentrating particularly on a title given to Jesus in these epistles: Christ as head.

The Holy Father noted how this title is given to Christ in two senses: He is head of the Church and he is head of the cosmos.

He explained that Paul presents Christ as «the governor, the director, the one in charge who guides the Christian community as its leader and lord.» In this role as head of the Church, he is also the one who «raises and vivifies all the members of the body of which he is head. […] That is, he is not just one who directs, but one who is organically connected to us, from whom comes also the strength to act in an upright way.»

The Pontiff added that «Christ in fact is dedicated to ‘present to himself the Church in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.’ With this he tells us that the strength with which he builds up the Church, with which he guides the Church, with which also he gives correct direction to the Church, is precisely his love.»


In the second sense of Christ as head — head of the cosmos, Christ’s power is shown forth, Benedict XVI explained.

Ephesians and Colossians «bestow us with a highly positive and fruitful message,» he said. «It is this: Christ need not fear any eventual competitor, because he is superior to any type of power that would try to humiliate man. […] That’s why, if we are united to Christ, we should fear no enemy and no adversity; but, this also means that we should remain closely united to him, without letting go!»

The Pope said that for the pagan world that lived in fear of dangerous «spirits,» this revelation came as a great liberation.

«The same is true also for the paganism of today, because also the current followers of these ideologies see the world as full of dangerous powers. To these people, it is necessary to announce that Christ is the conqueror, such that one who is with Christ, who remains united to him, should not fear anything or anyone,» he contended.

And, the Holy Father added, «It seems to me that this is also important for us, who should learn to face all fears, because he is above every domination, he is the true Lord of the world.»

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