US Bishops Launch Pro-Life E-Mail Campaign

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WASHINGTON, D.C., MARCH 6, 2009 ( U.S. bishops are encouraging Catholics to send e-mails to legislators in the second step of a national pro-life action plan.

The first step was a postcard campaign promoted by the U.S. bishops’ conference throughout all the dioceses in January, in which citizens appealed to legislators for pro-life policies.

The e-mail campaign has the goal of urging Congress to «maintain widely-supported pro-life policies and to oppose the federal funding and promotion of abortion,» a statement from the conference reported Wednesday.

Deirdre McQuade, assistant director for policy and communications at the conference’s secretariat of pro-life activities, explained: «Tens of millions of cards have been distributed in parishes, schools, non-Catholic churches, and civic organizations across the country. The e-mail campaign will give even more citizens the chance to participate.»

Voters are encouraged to send pre-written emails to their legislators asking them to oppose the Freedom of Choice Act, «the most radical and divisive pro-abortion bill ever introduced in Congress.»

The e-mail states that «Americans should unite to serve the good of all, born and unborn» and asks legislators to «please retain existing laws against funding and promotion of abortion.»

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