This study center dedicated to Sts. Peter and Paul, also known as the Ratisbonne, was established five years ago by the Salesian congregation to give students an opportunity to study theology in the Holy Land.
Today’s program included conferences with Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
This initiative offered participants an opportunity to reflect on the ministerial priesthood, in response to the Holy Father’s invitation, who has dedicated this year to priests.
Cardinal Raffaele Farina, the prefect of the Vatican Library, sent a message to express his appreciation of the initiative.
Roberto Sparato, president of the Ratisbonne, explained that the responsibility to teach a holy theology to future priests, in complete harmony with the Pope’s Magisterium, is a commitment that the Studium Theologicum Salesianum assumed from the beginning of its presence in Jerusalem.
Since the institution’s foundation, more than 100 students, members of several religious congregations and from various parts of the world, have studied theology there.