Why Life Must Be Preserved

A response to: More on AIDS and Condoms

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My mother had COPD compounded by a congenitally large trachea. Oxygen provided her a better quality of life. Even in the last months of her life when breathing in spite of the oxygen became more and more a problem, we did not think of ever withdrawing her oxygen tank.

Yes, she suffered physically but we saw how she grew spiritually. Her physical suffering we believe was what gave her hope and brought her closer to her Creator. It made her anticipate her finally «going home to the Father.»  

In the end, she peacefully crossed over after telling each one of us she loved us and admonishing us to take care of one another. Her suffering impacted our own spiritual journey.  Because of my mother’s experience, I understand with my heart why life must be preserved until the last breath.

Trina Tonogbanua

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