VATICAN CITY, MARCH 20, 2011 ( Benedict XVI is pointing to Christ as our one dwelling place.
The Pope stated this today before praying the midday Angelus together with those gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
The Pontiff focused his address on today’s Gospel reading of the Lord’s transfiguration. He noted that St. Peter, seeing this unfold, expressed the desire to set up three tents on the site.
However, the Holy Father said, «St. Augustine comments saying that we have but one dwelling place: Christ.»
«The transfiguration did not change Jesus,» Benedict XVI affirmed, «but it is a revelation of his divinity.»
He added, «Peter, James and John, contemplating the divinity of the Lord, are prepared to face the scandal of the cross.»
«We also participate in this vision and this supernatural gift, giving room to prayer and listening to the Word of God,» the Pope stated.
He continued, «We invoke the Virgin Mary so that she might help us always to listen to and follow the Lord Jesus Christ even unto the passion and the cross, to participate in his glory also.»
Later, in English, the Pontiff said, «Strengthened by our faith in Jesus, true God and true man, may we be inspired, not scandalized, by the cross given to our Savior and to our fellow Christians who suffer with him throughout the world.»
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