Pontiff: Find Life's Meaning Through Prayer

Says Risen Christ Illuminates Daily Routine

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CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, APRIL 29, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Looking for the meaning of life? Then pray, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope spoke of the power of prayer on Easter Monday, April 25, before praying the Regina Caeli in Castel Gandolfo.

«Only if we are able to turn to God, to pray him, do we discover the deepest meaning of our life, and the daily routine is illumined by the light of the Risen One,» the Holy Father said toward the end of his brief address.

Reflecting on Christ’s resurrection, which the Church celebrated a day earlier, the Pope said that the event «marks the renewal of our human condition.»

«Christ triumphed over death, caused by our sin, and restores us to immortal life,» he added. «This event gave rise to the whole of the Church’s life and to the very existence of Christians.»

Benedict XVI then asked: «How can we encounter the Lord and increasingly become his authentic witnesses?»

«One must learn to focus the gaze of one’s mind and heart constantly on the heights of God, where the Risen Christ is,» he answered. «In this way God encounters man in prayer and adoration.»

Quoting theologian Romano Guardini, the Pontiff added that «adoration is not something additional, something secondary. … It is a matter of the utmost importance, of feeling and of being. In adoration man recognizes what is valid in the pure, simple and holy sense.»

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