ROME, JUNE 26, 2011 ( According to a Vatican spokesman, Catholics are not the only ones who benefit from the Eucharist. It is a gift for the whole globalized world, says Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi.
The Jesuit, who is director of the Vatican press office, made this reflection on the most recent edition of Vatican Television’s «Octava Dies.» He was commenting on the feast of Corpus Christi, celebrated Thursday in Rome, and today in many countries.
The Eucharist, he said, «is a dynamism that transforms reality in its cosmic, human and historical dimensions.»
Father Lombardi spoke of the power of the Eucharist, «so strong as to overcome divisions, to draw us into union with the life of God, to open and liberate our individuality from its egocentrism.»
The Eucharist, he observed, «is the concrete way through which this love is spread in the Church and in the world, the perennial source that nourishes the Church’s social presence, the responsible effort of Christians in the building of a solidary, just and fraternal society, especially in the time of globalization.»
Father Lombardi called for a presence of true love in the «growing globalization of humanity.»
He noted how the Holy Father spoke of the Eucharist in his homily Thursday, and reflected on the Pontiff’s long, silent prayer before the consecrated Host publicly displayed during the Corpus Christi procession through the streets of Rome.
The spokesman cited the Pope’s words from that homily: «Without illusions, without ideological utopias, we walk the streets of the world, carrying the Body of the Lord within us … glimpsing the new world, in which peace and justice reign, which is our true homeland.»
«Truly, in faith the human, historical and cosmic dimensions intersect and find their foundation,» Father Lombardi concluded. «Eucharistic communion is for the good of all, for the good of the world, that in the end everything find its meaning and salvation.»