MILAN, APRIL 26, 2012 ( A solemn, intense and moving melody supports a profound but easy-to-sing and memorize text for the official anthem of the 7th World Meeting of Families, which Benedict XVI will attend in Milan.

"Your Family Gives You Thanks" was written and set to music by Claudio Burgio, maestro director of the Musical Chapel of the Cathedral of Milan.

Recoded by the Cara Belta choir and the Orchestra of the Academy of Sacred Music, directed by maestro Diego Montrone, the hymn will mark the May 30-June 3 event.

The text of the hymn, reviewed and approved by the cardinal-archbishop of Milan, Angelo Scola, and by Cardinal Ennio Antonelli, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, celebrates the Trinity, of which the family is an image. The feast of the Most Holy Trinity will be celebrated precisely on June 3. 

The subject of the first stanza is the Father: We pray, Father of man, for every family that you give us. We contemplate your beauty in every father and every mother. Celebration and gratitude to the Lord are expressed by the chorus: Your family gives you thanks for all the gifts you give it. Celebration and work, joy and toil, you are our life, Lord Jesus. 

The second stanza speaks of the Son: We pray to you, Christ Lord. You are the source of joy for humanity. We ask you for fitting work and bread for every family. 

The Holy Spirit is celebrated in the third part: We pray to you, Holy Spirit. Always guide this, your Church. We invoke you. You are our peace, celebration of life, total joy. 

The following stanza addresses the topic of the family under trial: We pray to you, in our trial you are our help. You support us. We ask for strength and forgiveness for your children for whom you are consolation.

The last stanza is dominated by the family in an eschatological sense: the human image of the family is projected toward the Kingdom of God. We pray that your Kingdom come; the human family already awaits you. In you we hope, Beloved Son, glorious Lord, our Pasch.

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Text and score are available at: