Rising Up: The Black Pro-Life Movement Asserts Itself

Founder of «Black Genocide» on Leadership, Unity and the Future

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The thousands of pro-lifers who gather in San Francisco this Saturday for the west coast Walk for Life will hear from Reverend Clenard Childress, the founder and director of www.BlackGenocide.org, a Web site designed to reach the African-American community with the truth about abortion.

ZENIT contacted Reverend Childress for his view on the pro-life movement in the United States, as the nation marks 40 years since Roe vs. Wade.

ZENIT: You assert that abortion is particularly destructive for the black community. Why so?

Childress: African Americans make up 12.4% of the population but 37% of all abortions; 52% of all African American pregnancies end in abortion; 1,786 African American babies are killed each day by the abortion industry. (Source? The Allen Gutmacher [institute]) (center for disease control)

ZENIT: We have just celebrated Martin Luther King day in the United States, just one day before the 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade. What do you imagine Dr. King would say today about this phenomenon?

Childress: Martin Luther King would be outraged at the decimation of the African American community by abortion and even more perturbed that it would be called a «civil right.»

ZENIT: What is the future for the pro-life battle among the black community?

Childress: The Black Pro-life movement, though grossly under funded and maligned, has begun to assert itself and its message far greater presently than ever before. The term «Black Genocide» has begun to resonate, thus the discussion of its decimating effects are more commonly known. There is yet a long way to go.

ZENIT: What must be done to stop what you call «black genocide»?

Childress: There must be a changing of the guard! The perceived African American leadership must be exposed for its betrayal of the Black community for their own personal gain and political power. «The Negro cannot win if he chooses to sacrifice the future of his children for immediate comfort and safety,» said Martin Luther King.

ZENIT: Comment on the fact that Barack Obama, as the first black president, has also been called the most pro-abortion president.

Childress: The leading abortion provider in the US is Planned Parenthood. Its original founder, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist. Her strategy was to use «colored ministers» to be the face of her eugenic plot against people of color. Barack Obama has been a staunch supporter of Planned Parenthood and its genocide of African Americans. Barack Obama’s voting record against the unborn earned him a rating of 100% from Planned Parenthood. President Obama even voted against the Born Alive Victims Act, which was legislation that would protect children that would survive a late term abortion, that were being murdered.

ZENIT: Catholics and other Christians also mark this week as the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. In your experience, is the abortion fight uniting peoples of different faiths?

Childress: President Obama has done more to unify the Church than any other President. Christians are beginning to wake up to the first subliminal, and now blatant attack against their civil liberties and Christian beliefs. The church is being challenged by the anti-religious climate produced by this present administration. This has resulted in multi-denominational demonstrations across America. This trend will continue and the church will become stronger.

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More information on the west coast Walk for Life: www.walkforlifewc.com

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Kathleen Naab

United States

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