Pope Appoints Group of Cardinals to Advise on Church Governance

Will Also Study Plan for Revising Apostolic Constitution on Roman Curia

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In a communique released by the Vatican Secretariat of State, Pope Francis has established a group of 8 cardinals from around the world to advise him in the government of the Universal Church, as well as “to study a plan for revising the Apostolic Constitution on the Roman Curia, “Pastor Bonus”.

The establishment of the group follows a suggestion that was made during the General Congregations prior to the conclave that elected Pope Francis as Supreme Pontiff.

The group of Cardinals consists of Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State; Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa, Archbishop emeritus of Santiago de Chile, Chile; Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, India; Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising, Germany; Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, Archbishop of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo; Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston, USA; Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, Australia; Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, S.D.B., Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, who will serve as coordinator; and Bishop Marcello Semeraro of Albano, Italy, who will serve as secretary.

Following the communique, the Holy See Press Office stated that the announcement shows Holy Father’s attentiveness to the suggestions made by the College of Cardinals, “his closest collaborators.”

“It is a group, not a commission, committee, or council.  The Group has no legislative power and its main function is to advise the Pope. The Group will not in any way interfere in the normal functions of the Roman Curia, which helps the Pope in the daily governance of the Church,” the statement by the Holy See Press Office said.

The Holy See Press Office also stated that although the group will also assist in revisions to the Apostolic Constitution, “Pastor Bonus”, which relates to the Roman Curia, the Holy Father showed and expressed his “deep gratitude for their hard work, especially over the past two months.”

According to the Secretariat of State’s communique, the group’s first meeting has been scheduled for 1-3 October 2013. “His Holiness is, however, currently in contact with the aforementioned cardinals,” the communique concluded.

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On the NET:

To read the Apostolic Constitution, “Pastor Bonus”, go to: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_constitutions/documents/hf_jp-ii_apc_19880628_pastor-bonus-index_en.html

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Junno Arocho Esteves

Newark, New Jersey, USA Bachelor of Science degree in Diplomacy and International Relations.

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