The Vatican announced Wednesday that Francis had confirmed the election of the archiepiscopal eparchate of Kharkiv, Ukraine, by His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, major archbishop of Kyiv-Halyc, and with the consent of the synod of the Greek Catholic Church.

Francis also gave his assent to the canonical election of Fr. Vasyle Tuchapets, O.S.B.M. by the Synod of the Greek Catholic Church to be the first bishop of the archiepiscopal eparchy of Kharkiv, Ukraine.

The Holy Father also acknowledged the canonical election of Bishop Taras Senkiv, O.M., as bishop of the eparchy of Stryj of the Ukrainians, Ukraine, by the the Synod of the Greek Catholic Church.

The final canonical election by the Synod of the Greek Catholic Church that Pope Francis consented to today was of Fr. Bohdan Manyshyn as auxiliary of the eparchy of Stryj of the Ukrainians, Ukraine.


Pope's Address to Bishops of Rwanda

«I assure you of my prayer for you, yourselves, for your communities often torn apart, for all the victims and their families, for all the Rwandan people without distinctions of religion, ethnic origins or political affiliations.»