'Humanitas' Offers Special Homage to Saints John XXIII and John Paul II

Recalls Their Legacies to Church and World

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The latest edition of Humanitas is dedicated to the memory of Pope Saints John XXIII and John Paul II.

The publication, available now online, is a “special homage” to the two recently canonized pontiffs, containing articles that recall their legacies.

In the first article “’The Good Pope,’ Man of Unity and Peace” by Cardinal Paul Poupard, the president emeritus of the Pontifical Councils for Culture and Interreligious Dialogue remembers Pope John XXIII’s life based on his own biographical writings of the late Italian pontiff.

Two distinguished members of the John Paul II Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome deepen the anthropological influence of John Paul II’s magisterium. In “Passion for Man”, Professor Stanislaw Grygiel offers a view of the metaphysical implications of John Paul II thought on man in the light of Christ, the Incarnated Word.

His article is followed by statements from Pope Francis in his canonization homily in which he highlighted that Saint John Paul II was the Pope of family.

Humanitas also publishes an article entitled, “Recognizing Life. The Epistemological Question: Gospel, Science, and Ethics” by the president of the John Paul II Institute, Msgr. Livio Melina. In it, the author discusses the importance of John Paul’s encyclical Evangelium Vitae to grasp an adequate recognition of life on the basis of science and bioethics.

Humanitas English edition is available to readers at: www.review.humanitas.cl.

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