Radio Maria Ireland Officially Opens

New Broadcast Station Among Projects of «Mariathon» Fundraising Campaign

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This report is contributed by Daniele Trenca, Editorial Officer for the World Family of Radio Maria.

May 13, 2015, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, was chosen to begin the transmissions of Radio Maria Ireland in Dublin. The opening of this English radio station in the Old Continent represents an important goal for the Catholic broadcasting station spread throughout the world.

The plan to open Radio Maria in Ireland had distant origins, and sinks its roots in the Holy Year of 2000. The history of Radio Maria Ireland was marked by a profound dedication to the realization of a dream. The technicians were able to assure that everything would be ready for this date, concluding the restructuring works on Holy Thursday. “None of this would have been possible without the great support of the World Family of Radio Maria in Italy, Germany, Austria, Romania and the United States, who we remember every day at Holy Mass and in our prayers,” the directors of the Irish Catholic broadcasting station said in a press note.

“Radio Maria will help the Irish people to find their original vocation – said the Director, Father Michael Ross – which will make it possible to provide missionaries to Europe and to the world.” Father Michael himself stressed the important work of evangelization that this Catholic broadcasting station will carry out, reconnecting with the words often spoken by the Holy Father. “There is need to re-evangelize Europe and, therefore to re-evangelize the world,” concluded Father Michael.

With the opening in Ireland, there are now 22 stations of Radio Maria in Europe for a total of 74 broadcast sites, 65 of which are national, 8 for linguistic minorities and one twin station.

Radio Maria’s worldwide presence is spread over the five continents, made possible thanks to the constant commitment of the World Family of Radio Maria Association and especially the listeners worldwide, many of whom contributed to the third annual “Mariathon” fundraising campaign.

As every year, the campaign is meant to finance new projects in the world that are later concretized in new openings. Thus the evangelical message will be spread to the most remote places of the Earth. On the occasion of this manifestation the Pope also wished to show his affection through a message: “With this message I send to the listeners of Radio Maria a warm greeting on the occasion of the annual ‘Mariathon'» he said. «I ask the Lord to bless and accompany you in life. And, please, do not forget to pray for me.»

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