Pope Francis celebrating Mass in Santa Marta


Pope’s Morning Homily: In Failure, God’s Love Triumphs

Reflects on the Path of Redemption During Mass at Casa Santa Marta

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“The path of our redemption is a path of many failures. Even that last one, that of the cross, is one of scandal. But it is precisely there where love conquers.”

This was the reflection given by Pope Francis during his morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta today.

The Holy Father reflected on today’s Gospel from St. Mark, in which Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard owner’s son who was killed by the tenants when trying to obtain the fruits of the vineyard.

“Have you not read this Scripture passage: ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes?’” Jesus says.

The Pope said that while the story seems to be a failure, it is in fact of history of love between God and his people. Recalling Jesus’ parable, the Holy Father said that it is precisely in that death where everyone finds life.

“The prophets, the men of God who spoke to the people, who have not been heard, who have been discarded, will be his glory,” he said. “The Son, the last one sent, who Himself has been discarded, judged, unheard and killed, has become the cornerstone. This history, that begins with a dream of love, and that seems to be a story of love, but then seems to end in a story of failure, ends with the great love of God who brings forth salvation from what is discarded; from His discarded Son, He saves us all.”

The 78 year old Pontiff said that the Bible contains countless events in history that show God’s love, despite the disobedience and rebelliousness of his people.

“The path of our redemption is a path of many failures. Even that last one, that of the cross, is one of scandal. But it is precisely there where love conquers. And that story that begins with a dream of love and continues with a history of failure, ends with the victory of love: the cross of Jesus.”

The Pope called on the faithful to not forget this difficult path by examining one’s conscience.

“If each one of us does an examination of conscience, we will see how many times, how many times the prophets have been cast aside. How many times we have said to Jesus: ‘Go away’, how many times we wanted to save ourselves, how many times we thought we were the just ones.”

Concluding his homily, Pope Francis encouraged those present to remember this history of love. This memory, he said, is “of that seed of the love that God has planted in us and how it has gone, and to do the same that Jesus did in our name: He humbled Himself.”

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Junno Arocho Esteves

Newark, New Jersey, USA Bachelor of Science degree in Diplomacy and International Relations.

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