This report is provided by Paulo Aido of Aid to the Church in Need.
In a strongly-worded pastoral letter, the bishops of Angola—citing an alarming growth in poverty and a sharp rise in the cost of living in the country—have condemned Angola’s elites for “a lack of ethical standards, mismanagement of the public purse and generalized corruption” in the country.
In their statement issued March 9—a copy of which was obtained by international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need—the bishops insist that the global drop in oil prices cannot be regarded as the sole cause of the country’s economic malaise.
The prelates instead point to a “mentality of cronyism and nepotism and the growing discrimination which is the result of increasing partisanship within the public administration, in which genuine merit and competence are being sacrificed.”
Noting that large sections of the population are at risk of falling into severe poverty, the pastoral letter also mentions the “neglect of public and preventative health” as evidenced by the lack of sanitation, the neglect of “public and private hygiene, distribution and supply of drinking water, and the “accumulation of refuse,” especially in urban areas.
Warning of potentially grave political and social unrest, the bishops call for “conversion, a genuine change in mentality and behavior” of the country’s leadership and the opposition, insisting that the latter’s proposals must not be rejected as an attack on the country’s institutions and authorities—but be given a fair hearing as “well-founded and constructive criticisms” serving the common good.
The bishop also pointedly remark on what they call a “worrying partisanship regarding the means of social communication which, by right, should be at the service of all.” It is a reference to what the prelates consider to be the muzzling of Church-run Rádio Ecclesia, the expansion of whose reach has been blocked by the government. Meanwhile, radio outlets friendly to the government are given free rein, the bishops have implied.
Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba of Saurimo, vice president of the country’s bishops’ conference, has told reporters that—although the Church is not “an opposition party”—it will not “remain silent in the face of grave violations of human rights.”
At issue is the ongoing trial of 17 human rights activists accused by the authorities of plotting a coup against the MPLA government, the party in power since 1975 when the country gained independence from Portugal. President José Eduardo dos Santos has been in office for 36 years.
General elections are planned for 2017, and given the country’s economic crisis, opposition to the government is growing apace, with the bishops worrying about the country’s political and social stability as the government cracks down on its critics.
Aid to the Church in Need is an international Catholic charity under the guidance of the Holy See, providing assistance to the suffering and persecuted Church in more than 140 countries. (USA); (UK); (AUS); (IRL); (CAN) (Malta)

Condemning Corruption, Partisanship, Church in Angola Cries Foul
Although the Church is not “an opposition party”—it will not “remain silent in the face of grave violations of human rights»