The Pope’s Council of Cardinals concluded three days of meetings today.
Eight of the nine members of the Council were present; Cardinal Oswald Gracias was impeded for health reasons. The Holy Father took part in all the meetings, except this morning because of the usual General Audience.
According to Vatican spokesman, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, a great part of the consultation was dedicated to further considerations on the various Dicasteries of the Curia, already the object of reflection in previous meetings, in view of the new Apostolic Constitution, for instance, the Congregation for Divine Worship, for Consecrated Life, for the Causes of Saints, for the Doctrine of the Faith.
The texts regarding the Holy Father’s proposal for the two new Dicasteries, which have been discussed several times, namely “Laity, Family, Life” and “Justice, Peace, Migrations” (which also includes Charity and Health Pastoral Care) already finalized, were reread again and entrusted to the Holy Father for his decisions.
Other issues were also the object of reflection.
In particular, the criteria was addressed for the gathering of information for the appointment of new Bishops, in the light of their pastoral identity and mission.
A reflection was also held on the meaning and role of the Nuncios.
Updated communications were presented: by the Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy and by Cardinal Sean O’Malley on the activity of the Commission for the Protection of Minors.
On the closing day the Council worked on gathering, ordering and integrating the different contributions that have emerged up to now in the meetings, in order to begin to structure the comprehensive proposal to be offered to the Pope by the Council itself in view of the new Constitution.
The next meetings of the Council in the course of this year are planned for the following dates:
6-7-8 June;
12-13-14 September
12-13-14 December
[Original text: Italian]
[Translation by ZENIT]

Pope's Council of Cardinals Concludes 3 Days of Meetings
Conclude discussions on a reorganization of various dicasteries