Father Federico Lombardi during the Briefing over the Meeting of the Council of Cardinals (C9)


Fr. Lombardi's Good-bye to Press

«We followed together the ministry of two great Popes; we lived very significant moments of the history of the Church»

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The former Director of the Press Office of the Holy See, Fr. Federico Lombardi, SJ, has sent a farewell letter to the Holy See press corps.
Fr. Lombardi’s term as Director of the Press Office ended with the month of July. In the letter, Fr. Lombardi thanks the journalists for their assistance and professional support during his time in the post, saying, “[You] helped me and encouraged me in the job, day in and day out – in the days of trial and the days of joy.”
Fr. Lombardi also looked back on his decade of service.
“Together, we followed the ministry of two great Popes, we lived through very significant moments in the history of the Church – and, let us say it, of the human family, as well – trying to make sense of those moments and to help others understand their significance.”
Here is a ZENIT translation of his note:

Holy See Press Office
Vatican city, 24.7.2016
Dearly Beloved,
On finishing the service in the Holy See Press Office, my heartfelt thanks go to those who have kindly expressed to me sentiments of appreciation and affection. I am very grateful to them.
At the same time, I wish to greet all the women and men colleagues, the women and men collaborators, who accompanied us in these ten years of journey.
We followed together the ministry of two great Popes; we lived very significant moments of the history of the Church – and we also say of the human family – seeking to have them read and understand the meaning.
I thank the Popes that called me to serve them closely — Benedict and Francis — but also all those who helped and encouraged me in the daily work, in days of toil and those of joy, and among these I am convinced I can practically count all of you. Fortunately for me, I never had the impression of not being received or respected by anyone.
It has been a beautiful and demanding call. Now I try to listen to the well-known words of Jesus to His disciples: “When you have done all that is commanded you, say, ‘we are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty’” (Luke 17:10). And I will again be listening for the new indications of the one who represents the Lord to me.
I express once again, if I may, my esteem for the work in the field of communication, for its great possibility of service to others and, therefore, for the great responsibility it entails. I hope you all can dedicate yourselves to it with commitment and enthusiasm, and that the Lord may accompany us on our ways.
And, of course, particular best wishes go to Greg Burke and to Paloma Garcia Ovejero, who will certainly do very well the task to which they are called.
Federico Lombardi, S.J.

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