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Priests, Faithful Invited to Theology of Body Conference

2016 Theology of the Body Congress offers pastoral support and formation; clergy offered special registration rate

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«The Church should stay out of my bedroom.»  «How can I keep my marriage strong in today’s culture?»  «My kids are exposed to immoral influences at school – what can I do?»
These are some of the common challenges that priests and religious face as they carry out their ministry, and they are all tough topics that will be tackled at the 2016 Theology of the Body Congress from September 23 to 25 at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, California.
The Theology of the Body Institute, the organization behind the TOB Congress, believes the teaching is so important to the ministry of priests and religious, they’re offering a special clergy rate of $199 to all clergy, religious and seminarians who would like to attend.
“Whether it is in the confessional, spiritual direction, counseling, teaching, preaching or preparing couples for marriage, priests are faced with answering difficult questions related to the teachings of the Catholic Faith,” said Jen Settle, Managing Director of the Theology of the Body Institute. “The Theology of the Body gives priests the language and the tools to mercifully help others come to a deeper understanding of their identity and vocation.”
An impressive lineup of speakers such as Archbishop Jose Gomez, Dr. John Grabowski and Msgr. Brian Bransfield will confront important cultural issues including addiction, pornography, transgenderism and feminism, all through the lens of the Church’s rich theological tool, Theology of the Body.
“Theology of the Body took everything I learned in Christology and sacramentality, tied it together and turned it on,” says Fr. Justin Brady of the Diocese of Boise. “I didn’t have balance in my life until I studied the Theology of the Body. Now I know how to live as a priest. “

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