Pope Receives Chocolate Noah's Ark

Decadent Gift Intended to Help Children’s Hospital Patients

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Pope Francis has received a decadent gift: a chocolate version of Noah’s Ark.
According to Vatican Radio, Pope Francis received this presentation at the conclusion of his weekly General Audience on Wednesday.
The yummy gift was from “La banda degli Orsi” [The Band of Bears], which is a charitable organization in Genoa that supports the city’s Giannina Gaslini Pediatric Hospital. The organization has over 200 volunteers who visit patients and their families every day.
The ark, which consisted of more than 140 kilograms of chocolate, took three days to build, and contains over 50 edible animals made by pastry chefs and chocolatiers from all over Italy. Several extra animals were made, and have been sold by “La banda degli Orsi” to raise funds for the Genoa hospital.
Moreover, the Chocolate Ark was also to be used to support patients of a children’s hospital, but in a more direct way.
At the end of the Audience, the Ark was donated as a special dessert for the young patients at the Vatican-owned Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome.

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