“Never say never!” – was Pope Francis’ advice to 9-year-old Andrea, who invited him to a pilgrimage.
The Pope’s message was reported on July 19, 2017 by the on line Italian daily Ilsussidiario.net. Andrea had written him, telling him about his First Communion present: a pilgrimage. “Dear Andrea, it was lovely to receive your letter and to learn of the rich adventure you experienced with UNITALSI during the children’s pilgrimage to Loreto.”
To the little boy who invited him to make the pilgrimage with them, the Pope confided: “For me, to be with children is my greatest joy . . . never say never!”
He thanked Andrea for the group photograph he sent him. “I was able to see that you are numerous and very beautiful! . . . My heartfelt blessing to you, as well as to your parents, the volunteers, the priests and the persons in charge of UNITALSI.”

“Never Say Never,” Says Pope to a Child
Letter to 9-Year-Old Andrea, Pilgrim of Loreto