«We are all poor sinners, needy of the mercy of God, Who has the power to transform us and give us hope every day.»
Pope Francis emphasized this during his weekly General Audience in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, today, August 9, 2017, inside due to the great August heat. During the weekly audience, which marked his second since the annual July break, Francis continued his catecheses on Christian hope, reflecting on divine mercy.
Jesus showed compassion, the Pope underscored, inviting those present to consider how many times in the Gospels we encounter such reactions. Francis reminded how from the beginning of His ministry in Galilee, He approached the lepers, the sick and the marginalized.
Wants to Free Hearts
«The Son of God goes, above all, to forgive sins because he wants the total, definitive liberation of man’s heart.»
Reminding that mercy is the attitude that characterizes Christianity, the Holy Father said: «Where there is a person suffering, Jesus cares for him, and that suffering becomes His own.»
«The heart of Christ embodies and reveals the heart of God, that where there is a man or woman suffering, He wants their healing, liberation, full life.»
«That is why Jesus opens his arms to sinners.»
The Pope lamented how many people are still lost today in a wrong life because they find no one available to look at their lives with the eyes and heart of God.
Jesus, on the other hand, sees a possibility of resurrection, Francis highlighted, even in those who have accumulated so many wrong choices.
Offers New Life, Love
«Jesus does much more,» Francis stressed, «he offers people who have lost the hope of a new life, a life marked by love.»
The Church, Francis noted, is made up of sinners who experience God’s mercy and forgiveness.
«We are all poor sinners, needy of the mercy of God, Who has the power to transform us and give us hope every day.»
«To the people who have understood this basic truth,» Pope Francis said, «God gives the most beautiful mission in the world, namely, love for brothers and sisters, and the announcement of a mercy that He does not deny to anyone.»
On ZENIT’s Web page:
Full Text of General Audience: to be made available in the near future

Pope blesses baby at General Audience: L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO - PHOTO.VA
'We Are Sinners, But Jesus Can Transform Us,' Reminds Pope
At General Audience, Pope Reminds Faithful Why Jesus Opens His Arms to All