«Even if many experience life as a prolonged period of suffering – think of the fearful faces of those haunted by violence and war – still there is a Father who weeps with infinite compassion for his children, and who waits to console them with a very different future», said Pope Francis during the weekly audience in the Vatican Paul VI ‘s Hall, August 23, 2017.
Commenting on the Book of Revelation, Pope Francis gave today a new catechesis on Christian hope.
Here are Pope Francis’ words in English.
Catechesis in english
Dear Brothers and Sisters: As we continue to explore the virtue of Christian hope, we discover in the final pages of the Bible that the ultimate destination of our Christian pilgrimage will be the heavenly Jerusalem.
And on this pilgrimage we encounter the God of surprises who treats us with infinite tenderness, like a father welcoming his children home after a long and difficult journey.
Even if many experience life as a prolonged period of suffering – think of the fearful faces of those haunted by violence and war – still there is a Father who weeps with infinite compassion for his children, and who waits to console them with a very different future.
We believe that neither death nor hatred have the last word, for we Christians see, with great hope, a larger horizon: the Kingdom of God, where all evil is banished forever.
It is Jesus himself who is the light of this new future, and who even now accompanies us on our way.
Creation did not stop on the sixth day of Genesis, because God is continually looking after us, always ready to pronounce his blessing: “Behold, I make all things new! (Rev 21:5)”.
© Libreria Editrice Vaticana

General Audience © Vatican Media
General Audience: God's "infinite compassion for his children"
Catechesis in english 23/08/2017