© Vatican Media

Peace Needed

Articles from April 14-15, 2018

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Regina Coeli Address: On the Realism of the Resurrection (Full Text)

‘Jesus Isn’t a Ghost; He Is Really Present “with a Risen Body’

Holy Father: ‘Peace Be With You’

‘It’s about interior peace, as well as that peace established in relations with people.’

Syria: Pope Francis Pleads for Peace

‘I invite all persons of good will to continue doing so, I appeal again to all political leaders so that justice and peace prevail.’

Pope Prays for Vincent Lambert, Alfie Evans

‘Let us pray so that every sick person is always respected in his dignity and cared for in a way adapted to his condition.’

Corviale: Pope Visits Parish of Saint Paul of the Cross

Pastoral Visit at Invitation of Local Pastor

Philadelphia: Pope Welcomes Delegation from Villanova

Cites Need to Foster Family Values

Holy See Disappointed by UN Inaction on Migrants

Statement by Archbishop Bernardito Auza

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