Pope’s August Prayer Intention: ‘For the Treasure of Families’
‘When speaking of families, often the image of a treasure comes to my mind.’
Pope to Young Jesuits: ‘Go Ahead, to the Crossroads, Without Fear’
Audience of the Holy Father with Participants in Meeting of “European Jesuits in Formation”,
FORUM: ‘Saints in the Making’
‘God calls us to be saints not to be demanding, but because he loves us and wants what is good for us. He wants the best for his children’
Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles on Death Penalty Being Always ‘Inadmissable’ in Church Teaching
Archbishop of Los Angeles: ‘The Catechism is not equating capital punishment with the evils of abortion and euthanasia. Those crimes involve the direct killing of innocent life and they are always gravely immoral’
Archbishop Follo: The Work of Faith: Daily Bread and Eucharistic Bread
With the invitation to assume often the Bread of Life to live in a Eucharistic way, that is by thanking God and by sharing his charity with our neighbor.
Bishops of the Orient Call for Launching a Civil State
The message is signed by seven heads of Eastern Catholic Churches, namely Latin, Roman Catholics, Maronites, Chaldeans, Syriac Catholics, Armenian Catholics and Catholic Copts
Chicago: Cardinal Cupich on Capital Punishment
Comments in Wake of Pope’s Revision of Catechism of the Catholic Church